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Quarterly Results Week Vol. 1 2025

As the new year begins, many of us find ourselves reflecting on goals and resolutions. But how do we set goals that truly matter and stick to them? In a recent episode of the Scotch Club podcast, host Grace Lane dives into the art of goal setting, offering valuable insights to help entrepreneurs and business leaders stay focused and achieve meaningful results.

🎙 The New Year and Quarterly Results

It's Quarterly Results Week at SUBTLEGEND! It’s a time to reflect, evaluate, and plan ahead. In the episode about this week, Grace is quick to point out a critical distinction: goals are not the same as to-dos. Did you know that 80% of people abandon their New Year’s resolutions by February? One reason for this is that resolutions often lack measurable outcomes. To-do lists, while useful, don’t equate to success if they aren’t tied to specific, achievable goals.

🎙 A Mindset Shift on To-Do Lists

Grace shares her own journey of overcoming the glorification of long to-do lists. She describes the burnout that comes from constantly chasing an ever-growing list of tasks and how she retrained her mindset to focus on measurable results. Instead of piling on tasks, she started asking herself, What will bring fulfillment? This shift, she explains, transformed the way she approached both personal and professional goals.

🎙 Quarterly Goal Setting: The Progress Loop

A key takeaway from the episode is the importance of setting quarterly goals. Grace advises clients to identify eight measurable results for each area of their business—what she calls the SUBTLEGEND progress loop. This includes sales, money, team, branding, marketing, operations, and more.

To make these goals meaningful, Grace suggests asking two essential questions:

  1. Why does this goal matter?

  2. How will it feel when I achieve it?

🎙 Making Goals Measurable: A Branding Example

One challenge in goal setting is making abstract objectives measurable. Grace shares an example from SUBTLEGEND’s Q4 2024 branding goals. Without focus on measurement, the goal would sound like "align with the consulting industry." But with the SUBTLEGEND method, it became "To be mentioned in the same sentence as McKinsey, Boston Consulting Group, or Bain.

The result was achieved late in December, and while it took time, the fulfillment of seeing the goal realized made every effort worthwhile. Grace emphasizes that meaningful progress often requires patience and persistence.

🎙 Client Engagement and Support

The episode ends with an invitation to each listener: take time to set your goals and revisit your vision.

Whether it’s the beginning of the year or any other time, focusing on measurable, time-bound results can propel your business forward. And for those who want extra support, SUBTLEGEND is here to help.

As Grace puts it, “Happy quarterly results week!” Ready to collaborate? Reach out at


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